Mr Plog got the new iphone.
He facebooked statused about it, too. More than once.
He schlepped all the way to meh Brent Cross (think Chadstone, only uglier), bright sunshine notwithstanding, to buy some accessory for it.
They are inseparable, man and machine. It is near impossible to tell where one begins and the other ends.
I sit and read an article in last weekend's Guide.
That Curtis show sounds amazing! Are you going to see it?
(It sounds a little like Synecdoche, New York, don't you think?)
I hope to!
Haven't seen Synedoche yet. Have you? What did you think?
I linked to the article in this post because the iphone was used as an example of a current object of collective desire. Very timely in terms of the politics of our household!
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