"To think and to be fully alive are the same." - Hannah Arendt
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Banksy Vs The Bristol Museum
Photo quality not great as no flash was allowed but I hope his genius comes across. I've read a lot of anti-Banksy snark of late - oh those internet [t]wits! - but the originality leaps off the walls - literally.
I have loads more - went a bit happy snappy psycho - so let me know if you wanna see them.
I am a 35-year-old Australian N.B.F (natural born feminist, never got the vagina = inferior thang) who lives in London with one lovely Englishman and too many remote controls (and phones that look like remote controls).
My hobbies include thinking, ruminating, reading, daydreaming, overanalysing and cutting stuff out of newspapers.
I can be both stoopidly sentimental and bitterly cynical (not that the two are mutually exclusive). And my absolute bete noir: mindless, myopic stereotyping based on genderraceclasssexuality and other constructed, arbitrary categories. (Imagine if we defined ourselves in terms of eye colour or nipple size?)
My favourite food group is carbohydates, my karaoke song of choice is Pat Benatar's "Love is a Battlefield" and I used to be able to speak Indonesian.
love the one of Dorothy - these are awesome!!
We want to see them!
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