Thursday 4 June 2009

Dr Plog Casts Her Vote

I come from a Land Down Under. Where women glow and everyone votes. We have to - it's bloody compulsory, mate! Which some see as undemocratic "I should have the right not to vote" - you do, you lazy buggers. It's called a Donkey Vote (luckily the Anti-Donkey Defamation Organisation has not yet banned use of this term) and it means you can cover your ballot form with pictures of penises if you so desire. But this law guarantees that all citizens fulfil their basic civic duty, one that women and minority groups have fought for (we owe it to our forebears if nothing else), and it does ensure that all people (the marginalised, the elderly, new immigrants, those physically unable to participate) are included. Compulsory voting forces even the most apathetic to take the mildest interest and that's good enough for me. And I feel that "non-voters" have no right to complain about the government and the general state of affairs. Should have exercised your right, buddy - not only a right but a DUTY to your fellow citizens, a kind of social tax better spent than the monetary kind. I also feel that "pro-lifers" should be properly renamed as "anti-choicers" and murderous terrorist scum get out of their thick heads that foetuses should have more rights than women, but that's a post for another time ... when I have less vengeful steam coming out of my ears, maybe ...

Back to voting, then. It's my first vote on British soil, The X Factor and Grease Is The Word, notwithstanding, and THAT feels bloody exciting, although, irritatingly I can't get : "I feel British!/Oh so British!/ I feel British/And Skittish/And Slight!" out of my head -- North Side Story, maybe?

So I am excited to vote today and urge all other Brits and expats here to do the same. And may the best team (mine of course) win!

1 comment:

Meg said...

I vote for you, Dr P.