It is mind-boggling to me that on the same day that I am mourning the loss of one who still had so much to contribute, I feel compelled to write about those that offer gurnischt. Hell, make that a whole plate of gurnischt mit gurnischt with a side order of extra-gurnischt. It's what the kids these days called Haterade.
Or what a blog I know and love once defined as a Mean Girl Syndrome, not at all loosely based on a Lindsay Lohan vehicle of the same name.
To those of you who don't spend too much of your life trawling the interwebz, you may still be aware of an undercurrent in our culture that is directly linked to snark - the desire to rip to shred mainly female targets, but anyone'll do! There are hate sites devoted to all manner of people and things. Who the feck are these losers that bitch and spew bile behind the safety of their screens?
Well, we know one ...
I'm not a big believer in corporal punishment but Perez Hilton? Draw enough crudely imagined cocks and stick them in the mouths of babes, slut-shame women, pay lipservice to anti-homophobic politics but then vilify lesbians (SaMANtha R, anyone?) -- dude, you're lucky you don't have to abide my my natural justice - waterboarding would be too soft on you. STFU Perez Hilton.
But please don't tell the Jezebels to STFU (whoever is behind STFU Jezebel, not Perez). What an idiotic target for all your vitriol? Why not Ahmadinejad? Even Speidi, if you're so loserishly inclined you need to "hate" on anyone? Why don't you just log off and go outside? Plant a tree? Volunteer somewhere? You are clearly not unintelligent, why invest yourself in such an ultimately futile and kinda very pathetic venture? Seriously. Seriously!
It's not what you're saying that is all that off-the-mark. It's just why the need to say it? You say you were on Jezebel from the outset so you're clearly simpatico and saw how much misogynist crap they called out so you ... decided to add to it? And by calling out individuals you claim not to know BY NAME? I'm not being glib, but you may want to consider therapy. CBT is good but you probably need to go with something more psychoanalytic; perhaps go back to the womb for the source of your idiocy?
Unless the problem is that you're not long out of the womb (ie, twelve). Which would explain so much. So turn off your TUMBLR, young lady! And take care. Really. I'm not being bitch for bitch's sake but because your site has actually unnerved me.
Dr. P
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I should add that Jezebel has been cathartic/ illuminating/ challenging/ frustrating/ entertaining and a zillion other things to me - often all those in the comments of a single thread! But it has so irrevocably enriched my past few years as an expat on the other side of the world from my most cherished inner sanctum. And yes, I have made good friends here but not all share my enthusiasm for feminism/ politicisation and overanalysis of the universe. Jezebel has effectively strengthened my own convictions as I can engage in feminist debate daily if I want! (Who could do that in the 1970s halcyon days?) When I read Jezebel, and The Pursuit of Harpyness, and Buttercup Punch, I am amazed at how many people out there write like me, think like me. I've even met some truly womderful women through the site.
Hence my rant. This attack feels weirdly personal. People I have grown to like over the past few years are being vilified and I am really uncomfortable with it, even though it's all playing out virtually. As Perez himself acknowledged in a happy moment for fans of Sheer Irony, "Words hurt".
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