Thursday 6 August 2009

Mom, Meet Emoticon ...

I think I'm going to call my mum.

From here.


Meg said...

I wonder how much the world will have changed by the time we are our mothers' ages. And whether the young people we know will be able to teach us old dogs new tricks, or whether technology will be too sophisticated for our 20th century brains.

Rochelle Rochelle said...

Trippy...I had the total opposite experience with my mum the other night...
I went to the White Album concert (brilliant!!! but I digress) and before I left tried to explain to mum what "show" I was seeing.
RR: You know the Beatles?
Mum: Yes.
RR: You know they had an album called the White Album?
Dad: What songs were on it?
RR: What?
Mum: Oh R[R]! You know they were after our era!
AFTER THEIR ERA!!?!? I wasn't even a twinkle in my dad's eye when that album was released!
Suffice to say, she is soooo not ready for emoticons. I need to teach her some old tricks first...

preloved said...

a picture is worth a thousand words.....need i say more...priceless!!

Elly said...

I remember my mum cutting a tiny article out of the newspaper about 10 years ago with all the emoticons on it and pinning it up on the kitchen noticeboard, because she thought it was hilarious. I was thinking today that gifs are the emoticons of the broadband age.

My mum went on a computing course in the late 80s and took off from there - she books bargain holidays online and comments on my blog. She is totally Mum 2.0 and I love her for it.

Doctor Plog said...

That's gorgeous!