Thursday 30 April 2009

Thank You Harriet Harman!

Is it just me or is it absofuckinglutely disgusting that we still live in a world where there is no equal pay?! I mean, how has nothing been done about this? It's mind-boggling.

So I guess we should be grateful (ah, yes: grateful! We women and our lowered expectations - "thank you, kind sir, for the morsels from your plate") that on Monday, Harriet Harman, the deputy Labour leader here in the UK, committed the party to supporting an equality bill that tackles this injustice.

Forget discussions about the eligibility of Dave "the Raver" Cameron, Gordon "Smiley" Brown or (gawd help us) Boris "Slick" Johnson for next term PM -- HH all the way! Also I absolutely love her name! There's something so Ramona Quimby about it.

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