Tuesday, 28 April 2009

So What's With The Title, Ya Freak?

Why "Doctor"?

I was so goddamn SICK of being asked if I was a "Miss" or "Mrs." ... or even a "Ms."!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S 2009, PEOPLE!!!!! The title "Ms." came into being in order to REPLACE the Miss/Mrs binary, not to signify a third category of angry female because why the hell do over half the world's population have to identify their frigging marital status in their name? (Because we have vaginas?) So to avoid the whole mishegas, I got a Ph. D.

Why "Plog"?

Well, "Blog = Web + Log". As a Luddite all my thoughts originate with the Mighty Pen. Ergo, "Paper + Log = Plog". (And I'm normally so bad at maths!) Also "Plog" sounds like "Plod" which conjures up images of flat-footed, bumbling policemen (and although Law Enforcement is not my schtick, I am both flat-footed and bumbling).

And ever since its importation into my world as of this morning I canna stop singing "Doc-doc-doc-doctor Plog" to the tune of Gloria Estefan's "Dr. Beat" -- wow! I've even gone and got me a theme song goshdarnit! And as we all know ALL of the best theme songs had lyrics.

For example: Family Ties ("I bet we've been together ... for a million years!)
Different Strokes ("Well the world don't move to the beat of just one drum")
The Love Boat ("Love ... Exciting and New!")

What do you think? What are your favourite TV themes? Are lyrics important?


Meg said...

My favourite TV theme songs don't have lyrics:
Get Smart, 30 Rock and Flight of the Conchords.

Doctor Plog said...

Get Smart is a classic! And now I will happily have it in my head all day ...

Did you know that Tina Fey's husband composed the 30 Rock theme?

Meg said...

No! I didn't know that. I have no idea why, but I'm glad I know it now.