Not in a philosophical sense! Not even I, your glorious Doctor P, can cope with that question this early in the ayem. No, I mean why add one more voice to the cacophony of blogs all struggling against each other to be heard in the echo-chamber some like to call "the blogosphere"?
I just figure that the more "clean spaces" there are out there, the easier it is for all of us web-wanderers to breathe. (And I clearly mean 'clean' in an ethical,
menschlich sense as I have just noticed that three of my tags consecutively read as "pornography", "pregnant", "sex"!) I often feel so dirty when I'm feeding the Beast (that mad inner-childish type that absolutely, positively
needs to know who MaryKateHudsonJenLoveAniston is dating this week) and I end up reading the most revolting sexist, racist, heterosexist, homophobic, anti-semitic, pro-evil shit spewing forth across forums and in comments sections. All it takes for that evil to thrive is for good people to blog nothing.
When I get mired in Internet-Ugly I quickly pop into my favourite sites, like
Land of Meg and
The Pursuit of Harpyness, and it's like I've just taken a quick shower! So even though I can't wait to get a teensy bit incendiary and I'm not promising soft-focused, rose-coloured, cotton-candy prettiness, I do hope that a visit to the Doctor keeps the bads at bay.
Take care out there, won't you?