Saturday, 12 June 2010

Stickermania #3: The Purple Pen Project

(Click on images to enlarge)

Here at the Plogquarters, we've been mightily inspired by the subversive sticker project - thanks to my beloved Manchester mishpokha for the Best. Gift. EVER!!!!

Welcome to the launch of a new campaign - the PPP (or Purple Pen Project). All you need to participate are:

-sticky labels, or paper with adhesive. (not necessary if one goes the chalk route)
-something purple to write with (it doesn't have to be a pen - that was just for the cool acronym)
-righteous anger and a burning desire for equality

It's so simple - but can be so effective! Subliminal advertising is everywhere - let's put some worthy messages out there and see how far-reaching and widespread this can go.

Start sticking, sisterhood!

(And if you send your efforts to me, you will warm the cockles (cuntles?) of my feminist soul)


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