Sunday, 21 February 2010

"If You've Googled Yourself ...


If You've Googled Yourself ...


So I googled myself. And if you enter my name ("Oh Matron!), you get almost two pages, excepting the very last one on page 2, at this minute: London time 01:03, that actually refer to me. Me! The real person behind a Google conjunction! Which is rare in the context of googling(?) gulaging(?) the peeps you meet, only to bring up a scrollsworth of eighteenth century architects and other antiquated irrelevancies (the firstnames and surnames MILES apart ... in overencumbered PDFs related to Annual General Meeting Notes of Junior(sic) High Softball Teams in Bumfuck, USA ...)

But I digress.

It's not my actual birth certificate name - haven't checked that yet - but the diminutive of my given aka in Oz Christian name - which is actually the name my mum wanted to give me but was urged it was too cutesy and childish and I might want to adopt the longer form as an adult (oops). When she was pregnant with me, Mama Plog worked at a creche, where she was completely bewitched by an adorable toddler, (insert Dr. P's everyday name) + Brown (it's alliterative, folks!) here.

It's only now, 2010, that I was lured by some naive facebook commenter two-friends-removed to check out my name on ...

I dare you to do that and record your findings here!

And not only because my name is apparently slang for "blow job" ...

Le sigh.

So back to self-googling. I urge you all -- google yourselves. And then please post your results, or at least your reactions to the aforementioned results in the comment section below.


Elly said...

I have googled my name! The first hit is my namesake's twitter who lives in Birmingham and works in local government (some other front page hits are for her too).

Although, as I have the unusual spelling of quite a normal surname, 'I' come up on the 1st page - both times for jobs I HATED.

My full, first name (which I use at work ALWAYS, as a mnemonic not to spit and swear etc) and it's abbreviation, which I use almost exclusively out of work, (i.e. when not trying to convince people how clever and competent I am), have very different meanings on UD. One of them is derived from a video game, so you can imagine the level of offensiveness.

nikky said...

There is someone else with a slightly different spelling of my name who is a holistic healer in Wales. I, on the other hand, don't appear on Google at all apparently!

And UD doesn't exist for the spelling of my name...

Doctor Plog said...

OMG, you guys! I just googled my full name and I'm a bit freaked out because the first listing is "IN MEMORIAM: [my name]! Which then leads to a bit of a weird blog but thankfully its not related to my death.

Elly: I see what you mean about your UD entry and I empathise.

Nikky: Feel blessed to be spared the indignity of UD!

Also: have either of you ever thought about contacting your name twin? Even just to say "Hi, we share/ almost share a name?