Sunday, 24 January 2010

Plogging Paralysis

How can I write anything when it will forever be dated twelve days after the earthquake in Haiti? How can it not seem frivolous, inappropriate, self-centred?

I was going to summarise my hensdosweddinghoneymoon, forgawdsake. From the perspective of a feminist, nokh!

I've been feeling sorry for myself because I'm back in the cold and rampantly unemployed to boot - when a reported 150,000 people have lost their lives in Port au Prince alone.

It's time, clearly, to count blessings, make donations and have some fecking perspective.

Hope your oh-ten has been oh-kay, and may your news be good news. Back soon.

P xx


Mr (legally) Plog said...

Welcome back Dr P!

Anonymous said...

now that's more like it...warmer. will wait patiently for the full version of your 'take' on the day xxx